Saturday, January 23, 2016

Worksheet: "Chord Pairs"

One of the original worksheets we used for instruction was for learning to switch from chord to chord. The idea was that for some chord pairs, there are certain "anchor" fingers that can stay in place as other fingers find new positions. Initially this was described when we were actually with someone in person, though along with this we also used the following worksheet.

      Link to PDF "Chord Pairs" worksheet 

     The following is offered as an example of taking this consept a step further with finding an improved way to show this online as part of our blog posts. The following is just for two chord pairs though the worksheet lists several more that can be used for practicing the moving from chord to chord.

     The one above is for moving from a C major chord to A minor, which allows two fingers to remain in the same position, while the third moves from the A string, third fret, to the G string second fret. 

     And for this one we are looking at the two chords G major and E minor. The concept though is the same. Remaining fingers (in this case the index finger on the A string) provides an anchor for your hand as other fingers move to new locations. 
     As mentioned earlier, there are other combinations of two chords that are likewise helpful (link to the "Chord Pairs" PDF) for getting used to moving from chord to chord. If this happens to be where you are with your guitar playing, good luck to you. 
